Friday, September 5, 2008

An unforseen dilemma

Do they have sunscreen in Africa?
I really hope so. I also hope it's not hard to find or really expensive. I'm taking doxycycline as a malaria prophylaxis, and about 10% of people who take it develop a sensitivity to sunlight. I plan on getting a big floppy hat, but I don't want to have to take a bunch of sunscreen with me on the flight.

Speaking of malaria, I've finished treating my bednet with permetherin, and there was still some solution left, so I'm trying to treat two shirts. I'm not sure how well it will turn out.


Unknown said...

Samuel, I'm pretty you should take some preventative measures and get some waterbabies while you're still in the good ole US of A.

PS...MGC has fabulous floppy hats if you're in the market.

Unknown said...

ps...I'm on Ali's her name popped up instead of mine

Len said...

Yo sam. I've taken doxyciclene a couple of times and didn't have any trouble with sunlight. That being said, you might have trouble finding sunscreen so I'd bring a sizable thing of it. When I put it on in Burkina Faso, people looked at me like they'd never seen it before.