Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 16

The Uninet outage continues. The wired internet has come back online a few days ago, but the wireless is still down. I tried to connect to the system through an Ethernet cable, but was still unable to connect for some reason, so I’m holding out for the wireless. I’ve been using internet cafes, but the problem with them is that they’re very slow. Even internet cafes that advertise ‘fast internet’ are barely fast enough to check my email, and I can’t open more than two windows without paralyzing the connection. Combined with their tendency to inexplicably drop the connection just as I press the send button, they are very frustrating to use. Another factor contributing to the update drought is that fact that the internet cafĂ© nearest to my room has either been closed or without connection for the past week.
I think I'm going through internet withdrawal...

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